2 New Articles: PHP/MySQL for the Flash API, and Custom Icon Creation with the JS API

Posted by Pamela Fox, Maps API Team

There are two recently released additions to the articles section of the documentation, for two completely different audiences. Check them out below:

Using PHP/MySQL with the Google Maps API for Flash
By Pamela Fox

Are you a developer accustomed to developing mySQL-driven websites with PHP? Do you want to learn how to use the Google Maps API for Flash with dynamically loaded data? This article goes through the steps of creating a mySQL table, populating the table with data, using PHP to generate XML from that mySQL table, and finally, writing the AS3 code to dynamically load in the PHP-generated XML and display a map with multiple markers and custom icons. After going through this tutorial, you should be ready to extend what you've learned to your own databases

Click here to read!

Creating Custom Google Maps API Icons

By Pamela Fox

Are you a Photoshop junkie who wants to create the perfect GIcon for your map mashup? Are you struggling to figure out the best settings for the shadow and print images? This screencast (Flash player required) goes through the process of creating icons, covering each of the GIcon properties in detail. You can also download all the sample files (PSD/JPG/PNG/GIF) used in the screencast. After going through this screencast, you should be ready to extend what you've learned to your own crazy unique icons (Hello Kitty, anyone?).

Click here to read!

The articles section now also includes links to a few external articles that we found really useful: Thematic Mapping with the Google Maps API for Flash, and Creating Custom Campus Maps using the Google Maps API. If you've written an article about the Google Maps API that you think would benefit developers reading our documentation, please let us know.

Link - from Google Geo Developers Blog
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